As a college student, you face many different challenges that can have a unique effect upon you as you experience your new life away from home and family. You may feel disconnected from others as you establish this new life in a completely new environment away from a familiar support network. You want to fit in as you once did, but you also want to become your own person. An identity is fashioned during college and decisions are made which will affect the rest of your life.
Fully a third of all married couples first met each other at the ages when people traditionally attend college. This can be a very important time with respect to not only romantic relationships forged for a lifetime, but also other life-long friendships. Making healthy choices is imperative during this time period of life. The trajectory for a lifetime of consequences starts during this crucial time of life.
Although it can be a time of positive growth and change, many college students struggle with assimilating these changes under the sometimes intense academic and social pressures. Handling this stress is one of the most valuable lessons learned during college in preparing you for an adult life. I can help guide you with respect to this piece of valuable self-care that must be learned for future success.
You may have spiritual questions and may be searching spiritually in a very different way than ever before.I have experience in assisting college-aged people through this stage of life. In a nonjudgmental and compassionate setting, I can help you sort out and address the issues that you want to explore. I utilize a strengths-based and empowerment perspective; together we collaborate to help you become the person you want to be. I make help affordable for students with my sliding payment structure based upon income.
Specific issues I specialize in providing students help for are:

- Addictions
- Anger/resentment
- Anxiety/depression
- Codependence/boundaries
- Communication
- Conflict resolution
- Emotional intimacy
- Family issues
- Forgiveness
- Grief/loss
- Impulse control
- Relationship problems
- Medical/health concerns
- Panic
- Phobias
- Sexual issues
- Social anxiety
- Spiritual guidance
- Stress management
- Substance abuse
- Trust issues
- Verbal/emotional abuse